Friday, April 1, 2011

Christian Curve Ball

These were my two favorite but the link is here if you want more.

Curve Ball For Christians

Next time you're in a healthy discussion with a theist.

Throw them this, and see how they react.
[If they have children]

Is there anything your child could do that would make you torture them forever?
[If they don't have children]

If, when you have children, Is there anything your child could do that would make you torture them forever?

You probably see where i am going here.

Hopefully they answer "No"
[If they don't - probably call the authorities]

Assuming a "No"
Then proceed to ask..

How come you can show that mercy on your child, but god cannot show that on mankind (his children)?

  • Does this make you more forgiving and loving than god?
  • Does this mean you have a higher sense of morality than god?
Finish with

How can someone who claims to promote unconditional love - do so conditionally - in the form of sadomasochism?

Born Into Sin?

To show a christian just how Sick and Wrong their religion is,
Ask them these linear questions:

Question #1
Are we born into sin?

If They Answer:
Yes - Continue to Question #2

No - Do you believe in original sin?
  • Yes, Then you agree with Question #1
  • No, Then jesus isn't a saviour, or a messiah - as there is no need for such.

Question #2
Are the wages of sin, an eternity in hell?

Yes, Continue to Conclusion

If "Literal Hell" comes into the equation,
Just use the non-literal [Separation from god]

So, a new born baby is born into sin, and as such, deserves an eternity in hell.

I don't know about you guys, but when i look at a baby, i see a wonderful bundle of amazement and joy - not a creature in deserving of eternal torture..

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