Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bin Laden Porn Stash

They found Bin Laden's Porn Stash and people just took off with making up names. Here is a list of some of my favorites. You can find the link to the news site here or go to Twitter and type in #BinLadenPornStash.

72 Virgins, 1 cup

Bomb Ass Pussy

Anal Qaeda

Take Control of My Cockpit

Iraqi Butt Cracky

Persian Rug Munchers


Poked in the Eye

You Mecca Me So Horny

Exploding Packages

Saddam and Gomorrah

Lawrence of A Labia

Sand Jobs

Two in the Pink, One in the Sphinx

Girls with Hot Ankles

Weapons of Ass Destruction

Prayer Rug Burns

There are so many more… You use your imagination.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Christian Curve Ball

These were my two favorite but the link is here if you want more.

Curve Ball For Christians

Next time you're in a healthy discussion with a theist.

Throw them this, and see how they react.
[If they have children]

Is there anything your child could do that would make you torture them forever?
[If they don't have children]

If, when you have children, Is there anything your child could do that would make you torture them forever?

You probably see where i am going here.

Hopefully they answer "No"
[If they don't - probably call the authorities]

Assuming a "No"
Then proceed to ask..

How come you can show that mercy on your child, but god cannot show that on mankind (his children)?

  • Does this make you more forgiving and loving than god?
  • Does this mean you have a higher sense of morality than god?
Finish with

How can someone who claims to promote unconditional love - do so conditionally - in the form of sadomasochism?

Born Into Sin?

To show a christian just how Sick and Wrong their religion is,
Ask them these linear questions:

Question #1
Are we born into sin?

If They Answer:
Yes - Continue to Question #2

No - Do you believe in original sin?
  • Yes, Then you agree with Question #1
  • No, Then jesus isn't a saviour, or a messiah - as there is no need for such.

Question #2
Are the wages of sin, an eternity in hell?

Yes, Continue to Conclusion

If "Literal Hell" comes into the equation,
Just use the non-literal [Separation from god]

So, a new born baby is born into sin, and as such, deserves an eternity in hell.

I don't know about you guys, but when i look at a baby, i see a wonderful bundle of amazement and joy - not a creature in deserving of eternal torture..